Simple Joys of Living in Southern Europe

The draw of Europe, especially southern Europe, is not just about the immense beauty, long-standing history or its variety of delicious foods. The pull for me is about the lifestyle. The people in that part of the world live simply and in the present. I know the concept sounds simple, but it isn’t, especially for people raised in America.

Amongst my friends, many of whom are successful professionals and entrepreneurs living and working in the US, this pull is also very strong. More than a few are now looking into buying a place in France or Spain.

Denise Tran, a successful restaurant entrepreneur, is looking at moving to France as a way of enjoying life more fully. She also wants to expose her young son to an alternative lifestyle to the one that they currently live in San Francisco. Lan Tran is a highly-regarded OB/GYN in Seattle. Her job demands long hours, and looks forward to someday buying a place in France to settle down after retirement. My friends Manolo and Bea Rico already have taken a 5-month sabbatical from their jobs in Seattle to try living in the countryside of Spain.

I’m also very attracted to the idea of living in France or Spain, at least on a part time basis. If this sounds appealing to you, here is a nice video explaining how the French live slowly to entice you further. Hope you enjoy it.